Sup. :raised_hand:

This is my blog. There are many like it but this one’s mine. :cool:

I enjoy programming as a hobby, and so this blog is just a crude, hand-crafted static website that slowly takes shape and grows whenever I have some spare time. “Minimalism” is not just a fancy word to hide how bad I am as a frontend webdev: what you see is asymptotically equal to how I wanted it.

Since I’m not even much of a writer after all, this blog aims to satisfy my tinkering urges more than to let me share my thoughts with strangers on the Internet. I cannot promise there will be interesting and well-written content here, but you can rest assured it won’t just be entirely generated by ChatGPT-like LLMs. In a world ruled by AIs and algorithms using your brain is what makes you unique.

I wanted this blog to be an experiment about leaving behind all social media websites and building a place that I can truly call my own, without being at the mercy of some algorithm overlord. Ironically, what I really accomplished is just moving my data from Microsoft-owned LinkedIn to Microsoft-owned GitHub. And also realizing that the modern Internet is all about having to pick between being datamined to be served ads or being exploited to train AI models.